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I grew up in Louisiana with great Christian parents and encountered the Lord at a very young age. After high school I went off to college, where I left my faith behind and entered a season of living for myself and reaping the harvest of that kind of mindset.     

           During that time I worked in the oil and gas industry and started several businesses. In 1982, in the middle of my mess, I began to awaken again to God’s call on my life. Eventually, I returned to the community of believers, met my wife of now thirty-two years, and began to serve in a local church. 

           In 1998, after spending twenty-five years in the oil and gas industry, I was called out of a local church, in which I had served for fifteen years, to start a church plant. With my wife, Cheri, and our two young children, Joshua and Halee, we entered full-time ministry. I served as senior pastor of that church plant for over eleven years. For several years I also served as the Ministerial Alliance President for our area. We were able to grasp some real kingdom vision together. I had the honor of being a founding board member of a community assistance and restoration ministry that is still thriving today.      

           During that intense season, with my whole family involved in the ministry, our life message of generational reconciliation and the emergence of a Benjamin generation was born. The phrase “not unless you bring Benjamin” began to rattle in my head and I knew the Lord wanted to use us to commission a radical young generation. Instead of being children of our sorrows, we would rename them as Jacob did at the birth of Benjamin and call them children of the Father’s right hand.

           After pastoring, I felt called to full-time care of my elderly mother who came to live with us. She was experiencing some dementia and that really limited our interaction with others for several years, until her passing at our home at ninety-two years of age. We now know as a family that this season was a part of God’s plan for us to not only love and care for Mom, but also to give us more insight into the generational message. There is a great need for us to discover the full blessing in honoring our fathers and mothers.

           I am currently serving on staff at a ministry in Houston, Texas and mentoring several young adult groups that meet weekly. It is my desire to empower them with the message of the gospel of the kingdom and to see them equipped to manifest kingdom life with power. I am convinced we will have no lasting impact if we avoid the, sometimes painful but very rewarding, process of building generationally. Israel had its’ own Dark 

Age of 350 years recorded in the Book of Judges which states “another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord, nor the work which He had done for Israel.” (NKJV)  An end-time army is emerging but they will need the relational piece to help disciple and encourage them. This is what the “Benjamin message” is all about.

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