Jewish Month of Sivan, 5778
The beginning of this third month of Sivan is also day forty-six in the “Counting of the Omer” that reminds us of how blessed we are and leads us to day fifty (Pentecost). Pentecost is a revelation of the dual purposes of God. It is the time of the giving of the commandments to Israel and the later outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the believers in Messiah. The commandments were inscribed on two tables…one that gave instruction for relating to God and one that gave instruction for relating to other people. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit was for both Jew and Gentile. It is a time to be humbled by the part we did not see God doing.
Just three days before the beginning of this third month of Sivan Noah was told by God to go out of the ark…the earth was dry. (Genesis 8:14-16) In this new month we will probably be stepping into some situations that are dried out and waiting for definition. However, we must remember it is staying connected to His voice that moves us out of tight quarters and gives us the freedom to walk into what has been prepared for us.
Zebulun, the sixth son of Leah, is the tribe associated with this month of Sivan. Leah gives him the name Zebulun because her decree at his birth was “now my husband will dwell with me, because I have borne him six sons." (Genesis 30:20) This statement is so contrary to Leah’s experience and is a revelation that she is truly a woman of faith and an overcomer. Use your dreams and visions this month to help you craft your own decrees. Our faith this month must be connected to more than what we are currently experiencing.